How to Convert Gmail into a Collaboration Tool

As you know that Gmail is a reliable tool used to send and receive emails. Usually, everyone has different personal and professional accounts or even more than that. What you don’t know is that Gmail can do a lot more than exchanging emails. Gmail could be combined with other collaboration tools online that can improve the experience of working with your account than restricting it to a mail exchanging machine. The third-party applications or other collaborative tools than can be efficiently collaborated with Gmail are: Missive The Missive collaboration has become a lot better over time and enables you to attach chats in bulk or a series of chats in your Gmail account right away. You may also hide or archive the existing chats with Missive. Everything that a Missive account requires is for you to log in. You can have up to two accounts and the third one comes with a subscription, which means you’ll have to pay for it. Once you’re done logging in with a Missive accoun...