How to use Google Home to Find Your Lost Phone

It is so frustrating and a sad feeling when you lose your smartphone or are unable to find it especially, inside your house. Today, we are fixing the problem of finding a lost phone with the help of our Google Home or Google Home Mini. To find your phone with the help of Google Home smart speaker, we are providing a detailed tutorial. Make sure you read it carefully and apply the given below steps practically in your life.
To make Google find your phone, you have to set it up. Before you lose your phone again make sure to apply steps that we are providing in this article. So let’s get started.

Requirements for using Google to find a Phone  
  • Your phone should awake at all times, so you should never let it run out of battery.
  • Sign into your Google account.
  • Always let the data flow through your phone( keep mobile internet always on).
  • Keep your phone number registered in the Google account.
How to find a lost Android device with Google Home
  1. Give access to appear on Google Play. Visit and navigate to the visibility section, now check the box beside Show in menus.
  2. Now check if everything is working fine by saying: “Okay Google, find my phone” to your Google Home or Google Home Mini speaker.
  3. Google will ask which phone to find, by telling your last four digits of your phone number.
  4. Say “Yes” to find your phone. Now Google will make a call to your phone number.
  5. Now you can hear the ringtone of your phone to find it.
How to find lost iOS device with Google Home
Apple devices need more workout to set up with a Google Home speaker to find your phone.
  1. As discussed previously, your phone number must be linked to your Apple phone.
  2. Go to Google Assistant app and then navigate to the settings to set up a voice command.
  3. Do the same with the iPhone or any iOS device. Go to and follow the same procedure as mentioned above for Android devices.
  4. Now check if Google Home speaker can find your phone.
  5. Say: Hey, Google, Find my mobile to your Google home speaker. Now it will ask for which phone to find by telling you the four digit of your phone number.
If you have followed everything carefully, you’ll be able to find your phone with the help of Google Home or Google Home Mini.
Wrapping it up
This method doesn’t allow you to find your phone if you lose it in a different place. This method will only work by ringing your phone. Which will only work when you are standing nearby to your phone.
Mathew Anderson is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.
Source : google home


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