Split PDF files Using Chrome

It’s a fact that PDF file contents are beneficial especially for the students. Not only the students, the corporates and businessmen need the PDF file format to save their reports. As the need for the PDF files is exceeding, you can download any book from the internet in the same format. But sometimes downloading a whole book could be frustrating as we only need a particular page, section or a chapter.
It could be a headache to open that particular part of the book, again and again, and to make notes from it. But, there is a solution for minimizing the effort along with saving the time. PDF file offers the opportunity to split the necessary parts from a book or a monograph. With the tool in the internet software, Chrome, a user can quickly get the required section whether it’s a page or more. Several websites will help you out to split a PDF file, but this workable only when the file is small. If the PDF file is large, then these websites will function only when you pay some amount of money.
Well, Google Chrome saves us from these websites with its incredible inbuilt tool that we all needed since long before. Now, let’s see how this tool works to split the PDF file and makes our studies easier by saving our time.

Here’s how to split PDF files using Chrome

  1. Open a PDF file that you want to download in Chrome web browser.
  2. Remember to open a PDF, you must have Adobe Reader installed in your system.
  3. Move your mouse cursor up, and a toolbar will appear.
  4. Click on the Print icon at the extreme right in the toolbar to the PDF file.
  5. Now, an inbuilt print dialog box will appear.
  6. In the Destination section, click Change.
  7. Select Save as PDF.
  8. Go to Pages section and select the option just below All.
  9. Choose the page numbers that you want to extract from the PDF file. Suppose if you want to download pages from 35 to 45 then type 35-45. If you want to take out a single, then type the page number.
  10. Now, click the Save
If the tool asks you to select a location, then give your download a path to save. When you open the PDF file, then you can find the extracted or split PDF that you wanted. It will help you to save your time by going directly to the required content you wanted to study. In the same way, you can split any PDF using the Chrome web browser. But remember, if the PDF file is an image format, then this method might not work effectively.
Mathew Anderson is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding McAfee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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