How to Make a Dynamic Defined Range in Excel

Storing data in Excel simply make things easier for you or anyone who uses it. The data you store in Excel can be updated as well, enhancing its importance. Creating data every time consumes so much time, and that is why making a dynamic defined range could help you in increasing your data automatically. It can also help you in the making shorten the range of data. With the help of dynamic defined range, you don’t need to create or edit the data again from formulas, PivotTables and charts. A dynamic defined range will do several things automatically and now let’s know more about it. To make a dynamic defined range, you need to use two formulas, which is a dynamic defined range OFFSET & INDEX. Make a Dynamic Defined Range in Excel To understand the process, let’s take an example and put the name of countries on the single-column list. Now to need to dynamic because if you add more name, then the range will automatically update. Without using the header cell, try the ran...